Non-Smoking Policy


The Nursery recognises that many people in our society smoke. We are aware that smoking is lawful and a matter of choice for adults.

However, we recognise that smoking is an activity disapproved of by many parents and to which they do not wish their children to be exposed. We recognise also that our employees have a right to expect to be able to work and have periods of rest from work in a smoke free environment.

We have therefore designated all the premises within the confines of the Nursery a smoke free area. No one is permitted to smoke at any time on Nursery premises. Further, any staffs who wish to smoke are also prohibited from doing so in the Nursery grounds, including the car park, thus reducing the chance of any child seeing a member of staff smoking.

  • All parents are informed of this policy when applying for their child to come to the Nursery.
  • All local schools, which provide work experience pupils, and the local careers service are informed of this.
  • All staff is informed of this at interview, and is required to sign to say that they agree to abide by this policy. A staff is not permitted additional breaks for the purpose of smoking, and smokers and non-smokers have the same breaks.