Purple and green room from 6 months to 2 year olds

Babies of six months and upwards are looked after by qualified staff in their own quiet and stimulating room filled with soft cushions, feeding chairs, cots, colourful displays and mobiles. This is a happy place with plenty of time for hugs and cuddles and a safe environment for when your baby starts to crawl and walk. We provide exciting daily activities to feed young imaginations we can guarantee plenty of love for all our babies!

This is a place for your child to enjoy free play, group story time, singing sessions and structured play, promoting their social skills and satisfying their inquisitive minds. The carers that work with children in this age group are aware that your toddler needs someone to talk and listen to them at their own level.Every day is a new experience – sand, water, collages, building, puzzles and the home corner are just a few of the activities your child will enjoy.